Wednesday 2 July 2014


"My people are destroyed because they have no knowledge..." Hosea 4:6
It's a painful thing when people lose their babies especially age 0 to 5.Why some take such as the will of God I beg to differ.God can't give you a child only to break your heart with the child's PREMATURE death.That is not God.
I have been a victim of such so I know what I am talking about.A friend just lost his cute baby of 5 months old and it's really heart breaking.Another lost hers of about 3.
There are signs to know there is fire on the mountain as it concerns your baby.Some are;
1.Constant crying at a particular time of the night by your child.
2.Screaming out of sleep
3.Constant periodic sickness
4.Loss of blood
5.Baby's refusal to eat like before.
6.Seeing your child struggling with someone as if in a fight at night or day.
7.Your child refusing to sleep in her room due to fear.Always wants to sleep by you.
8.Constant crying during the day without any discomfort and sometimes screaming.
9.Always sweating profusely at night.
10.Always drawn to electrical sockets despite your warnings.
11.Constant vomiting and stooling.
12.Nightmares.Many parents don't know children dream also.When you see your baby turning restlessly on the bed,such is having one.Before I fell from one storey building at age 1,I dreamt for three days that I went to the balcony and jumped down.The fourth day I went and did it.Got my head broken when I landed on the cemented floor.It was God's mercy that saved me because many didn't believe how I survived.
13.You having dreams of the baby
a.Being snatched away from you.
b.Falling into a deep hole.
c.Dying in the dream
d.Being on the hospital bed
e.Being searched for but unable to find him.
f.Being carried by strange people or strange hands.
g.Being buried in the coffin
h.Being called at but your baby refused to respond or just walked away.
i.Being covered by a blanket especially of colour black or red.
j.Breastfeeding your baby
Jesus' power is supreme.He loves children beyond our wildest imagination.
Don't panick.That devil is a liar.Your baby will not die in the name of Jesus.
1.Always pray for your child before sleep and anoint his head with a consecrated olive oil.Do the same aerly in the morning.
2.Pray and treat your child on time with simple medication when you sight any illness or take such to the hospital for treatment.
3.When you have evil dreams about her.Go to her and pray over,rebuking the enemies and plead the blood of Jesus over your child.
4.If your child has nightmares you can, a.anoint his bed with anointing oil.
b.Turn the baby's posture.Don't allow such to sleep with chest facing up.
c.Cut a piece of pure white clothe and pin it to the child's cloth in the area of his heart or tie the piece round his chest.
d. Read Psalm 35 into water and sprinkle such on your child, her bed and her room.
5. Make it a point of duty to wake up at night to check on your baby. It may not be everyday but often.
6. Establish prayer devotion in the morning and at night.
7. Ask your child to tell you his dreams. You might be shocked with their reply.
8. Teach them how to rebuke the demons and their agents in their dreams and in their rooms in the name of Jesus. Some kids see these things life.
9. Teach them to shout blood of Jesus or Holy Ghost fire when they see strange beings or sense the presence of evils.
10. Raise a spiritual altar in your home.
11. Draw the bloodline round your home and family.
12. You can buy the crucifix, consecrate it and put it in her room. Also, teach them the meaning i.e. The Power of The Cross.
13. Practice The Communion at home. This is one big mystery The Lord revealed to me last week when I was writing my Book After Deliverance.
14. Attend Bible Studies and Prayer Meeting Constantly with your child.
15. Teach them how to pray and recite The Scriptures.
16. Always be sensitive to The Holy Ghost and ask for Discerning of spirit.
17. Immediately you sense any spiritual threat, call your pastor for prayers or call me on
18.Pray aggressively against any evil dream and seek for spiritual help also.
19. Never joke with your child's health. Most of their deaths come via that. I believe in taking drugs and I believe in divine healing also.
20. Dedicate your child to God if you haven't done so.
21. Do your best to be at peace with your spouse constantly. Always resolve dispute quickly. Do not open doors for the enemies.
22. In all, allow Jesus to reign in your lives as a family.

For more on spiritual matters you can check on the sites below

   +2348035903550  ,  +2348028094910   for PRAYERS AND COUNSELING Or connect with me of facebook or send me an email


Jesus remains


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