Monday 5 October 2015


The human spirit under satanic control can project itself anywhere and anytime of the day. Man is a tripartite being. That is, man is made up of the spirit, soul and body.

“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be kept blameless until that day when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23

It is the human spirit that the devil loves to possess and use at will to carry out evil activities. So agents of darkness who have mastered the art of soul traveling or astral projection can use their spirits to travel anywhere in the world. Demons can however use the spirits of those who have not mastered the art also to their bidding.

However, there are cases where is there no legal ground for such human spirit or demon spirit to have intercourse with people but they can still do so just to afflict, oppress, take vengeance or assault someone. We live in a world of wickedness according to The Bible.

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” 1 John 5:19

All these might be strange and unbelievable but they are real. Those who are involve in warfare ministries understand what I am talking about. The many who have no insight into the spiritual activities of the kingdom of darkness will rebuff the whole idea.

Who is a spiritual rapist?

A spiritual rapist is the entity that forcefully has sexual intercourse with someone against someone’s will and desires in order to satisfy sexual passion, take vengeance, afflict, poison, impregnate, put in bondage etc. This entity can be a demon spirit or a human spirit.

The spiritual rapist does not need to have a legal ground in all cases but may use the loophole in one’s life especially the spiritual aspect to do such. Though sometimes such might have a legal ground to also do such especially if one comes from a idolatrous background, had sought help from occult centres, participated unknowingly in satanic activities like Halloween, played satanic video games etc. The spiritual rapist aims are mainly to have fun or afflict the victim.

The spiritual spouse or spiritual rapist could be male or female. The female demon entity is called SUCCUBUS and the male is INCUBUS. The human entity could be male or female also.TO BE CONTINUED.

Jesus remains,


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